Pre-rollout meeting
Got the first race of the year out of the way, and with good results. Made the journey Saturday morning, and by the time we were rolling out there were about 30 or so of us on the road. Seeley gave one great piece of final advice to all, "If you plan on suing me I don't have a lot of money", the true sign of a great race. Anyway, the neutralish rollout took place, then before the gravel got hit, attacks and whatnot took place. Remember I have no idea of what is supposed to be done during these road races, I just pedal as hard as the legs will go. Eventually there was a break, and once we hit the gravel I was right at the back of the pack. I switched myself over to the left side of the road, and did what I could to pass folks.
After the first section, I found myself with a group of five or so, containing none other than Jesse Doll. We pedaled then somehow when it switched to gravel I got myself a gap, and just kept chasing the three people I could see ahead of me. Eventually Jesse and some other guy caught me. Jesse and I took turns riding with our noses into the wind, but our third rider wanted none of this he just hung in the back. My assholeness took over and starting cursing a blue streak at him. Had I known that he was the dude who was kind enough to offer up his house for the start and finish I would have been nicer. Anyway spent a bunch of time chasing down Jesse, making up a bunch of time on the main climb.
We made it to the turn around together, where I was sitting in 6th with Doll in 7th. I guess the climbing gods were smiling on me cause I managed to get in front of Jesse again on the series of climbs after the turn around spot. Right there I was in the worst possible position, no sight of the three ahead of me, and with J Doll no more than 30 seconds back. Dude's got a motor on him, and I figured it was only a matter of time before he caught my SS ass. It was that time, get scared, get pumped, get moving. Did the TT of my life on that gravel, with my own personal Flanders soundtrack yellin' in my ears (Hot Water Music for those who care). Destroyed my knees on that final climb to finish in 6th.
Alex checks with "the yellow coach monitor" to see if he is allowed to pedal harder
Once all was said and done it was time for grub, drinks, and awards. Seeley took the boys W, with Sara taking it for the ladies, and I got some love for doing it without gears. Pipo scored a six pack for getting four flats, and all were counted as winners in my eyes. After bellies were full, and goodbyes were said, we headed our seperate ways. Now its time to get down to business, its MTB time, classics season be damned, dirt is open, and my love. Got some decisions to make too, go back to Boise to shoot for the top spot at Barking Spider, or head on south to join forces with a friend for one of my favorite races.
Singletrack in the Snake
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