I have finally returned from the Windy City, and I know that everyone is just dying to hear what my meeting with SRAM and testing of the new XX products was like. Well, for those of you who were dumb enough to believe that, find the closest wall or desk and bang your head against it multiple times. That story was all bullshit, the product of a long bike ride where I had little to think about. However, with my dad and I having some time to kill on Friday before going to pick up my mom and sister from the airport, we got the address to SRAMs corporate headquarters, and headed on down there. Their global headquarters are situated right in a nice gentrified neighborhood outside of downtown Chicago. Other local businesses included a massive REI, some nice looking pizza joint, and something called a "British School" After walking around the building, and realizing there was no way we were getting into the building. Instead I got a picture outside the shipping area around the back. While leaving, there was some guy in a Bianchi t-shirt cutting up boxes who I shouted out "free XX" to, he chuckled, then went back to cutting up boxes.

SRAM shipping
SRAM parking
So that was Chicago, good times with the family, no complaints, expect for having to fly and missing the NCAA championship game. For those cut from the roadie cloth, big things this week include the Grizzly Triathlon, and Rocky Mountain Roubaix. Personally I had planned to go down to the Barking Spider in Boise. Plans for "super awesome" mountain bike road trip with Dejay fell through, when he told me it would last from next weekend until June. However, Barking Spider needs to get scrapped too, got me a gig with some fine folks at the US Census, and training is this week. So there ya go, my plans to return to a race, and see my old college friend has been scrapped due to comitments with Uncle Sam. I guess I will just have to do my riding in Missoula.
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