Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pierre's Hole not race report, and some thoughts

The report for the Pierre’s Hole 100 is going to be really quick, mainly due to the fact that I never even made it to the start line.  Car troubles on the way down led to spending a night in Rexburg, ID hoping that the one tire/muffler in town which would be open on Saturday could tell me what was wrong with the car.  The night was rough due to the fact that Rexburg is basically BYU North, and the booze I desperately wanted was tough to come by.  When I saw part from the car getting loaded into the back of my car, I scraped my plans at least try to make it to Grand Targhee for some riding.  For one reason or another the karma gods were pissed at me, and as I drove up Monida Pass, the car came to a sputtering stop on the side of the road.  With a little help from the tow truck driver, I got my car back on the road and limped back to Missoula with my tail between my legs.  That’s all I got for the race report, and now its time to focus on SSMT, the grand prizes came in the mail yesterday, so I’ll need to add all the bells and whistles to them.  I’ll get up some proper directions and information up soon enough that I think folks might care about.   

On another note, the Big Texan laid down the hurt over at Leadville yesterday.  From what I read, it looked like the folks at Trek were putting together a team of folks to be Lance's worker bees for the day and destroy the field.  Now I've never done Leadville, so in no way do I qualify as an expert about the race, but I do wonder if Leadville basically become a road race.  It is especially screwed up due to the fact that it looks like Lance's worker bees got added to the start list at the last minute.  I have always felt that mountain bike races for the most part are a giant time trial, sure there is strategy in trying to figure out where to throw down and extra effort to distance yourself from other racers, but when all is said and done your legs not your strategy will be the bigger factor.  Despite my opinions about Lance's road resume, going under 6.5 hours for a 100 mile mtb race is just nasty, but I'd be more impressed if he went out an won it in the style that Weins did for the previous six years.  I just hope this is something which will be specific to Leadville, Roid Landis may be a disgrace to the cycling world, but at least when he showed up at the NUE races he didnt bring a posse with him to ride tempt.  And with that, I will be careful as I slowly dismount from my high horse.  

1 comment:

  1. Leadville is sort of a road race; there's exactly 2 miles of single track, and I think that's some sort of qualfier of what kind of race it is. Still, it's f'n hard as hell because the allure isn't technical terra firma, it's the elevation. I remember there being a huge draft from the 1000 starters for the first bit of pavement and chasing onto a group with Stamstead, Mike Kluge and Will Black before checkpoint one. Then it just gets foggy from there; I suppose at some level there are tactics (certainly not mine), but I recall there being about 1000 individual time trials being had out there. There really isn't anywhere that Lance's boys could have really pushed the pace, it's all climbing until mile 25 or so. so there.
