Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stuff and Ramblings

Its been a while since I've actually written anything realted to SSMT, so here it goes.  If you think you might be attending please shoot me an email ( to let me know so I might have some sort of idea as to what sort of number to be ready for.  There is a race blog produced by them Muleterro cats, click to check it out, and if you want do that whole online registration thing.  The good news is that all information on the flyer is not final, so things like total number of laps or start times could be altered.  If you just show up, its gonna run you 35 bucks, which in the grand scheme of things dont seem too bad, especially when you remember its a three part race.  Aside from that got nothing new to report, still trying to get some folks to throw food, boozes, and prizes my way, so we'll see what happens.  Feel free to email me with any questions you might have, I might even provide you with a training plan, which will involve plenty of these little red devils.

Time to figure out the rest of my plans for Nationals this coming weekend, and be pissed because the Cubs suck.  

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